Monday, March 1, 2021

Better Sleeping Habits for a Perfect Healthy Lifestyle


A good night’s sleep is just as important for your health as eating healthy and putting in some exercise. The secrets to better sleep and healthier lifestyle are surprisingly simple but often ignored.

A good night’s sleep can help to reduce overeating, help you concentrate and be more productive, improve athletic performance, reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease, keep type 2 diabetes at bay, ward off depression, improve immunity, reduce inflammation, and even help you manage your emotions and relationships better.


Our bodies love routine. Having a set time for going to bed in the evening and getting up in the morning is one of the ways to develop better sleeping habits for a perfect healthy lifestyle.

Try to maintain this consistency should stay in place even during weekends or when you are traveling. Whether you are traveling on business or a family vacation, try to plan your trip in such a way that you still get to sleep at the same time and get up at your usual get up time. Your bed time needs to come early enough to give you 7 hours or more of sleep.

At bed time, you want to switch off all your devices, starting with your phone.

Your eating habits should also be conducive for a good night’s sleep. Don’t eat a large meal just before dinner, because you can relax better when your stomach is not too full.

Stimulants like coffee can also make it harder to sleep. Avoid any stimulating drink when you are going to sleep. Both alcohol and coffee may interfere with your bedtime.


Your sleep area is your sanctuary. Maintain a clean, cool, and comfortable environment in your bedroom.

People spend almost a third of their lives sleeping, and it pays to invest in the most environment you can. Read new content from Real Simple to learn about mattresses that are recommended by sleep experts.

Your room needs to be as quiet, relaxing, dark, and comfortable as possible. If you can avoid having a television in your bedroom, do so as it will help you sleep better.

A quiet environment helps you sleep better because you can relax better with no noise. A dark environment is also better for your relaxation. This is your body produces melatonin, a sleep hormone, when you are not exposed to light.

Part of creating a sleep-inducing bedroom is investing in quality bedding that makes it easier for you to sleep. This isn’t a one-size fits all and you want to get the kind of mattress and bed linen that is designed to meet your unique needs.

Switching off all artificial light will help you fall asleep faster. You don’t want to be exposed to bright light at bed time.


Sleep, diet, and exercise are all intertwined. Putting in some moderate exercise in the morning or afternoon, will help you sleep better at night.

Exercising helps to reduce insomnia and helps you fall asleep faster. Aerobic exercises like walking, running, swimming, cycling, or dancing, work best. You may still need medical treatment for insomnia, but it is clear that some exercise will not hurt.

Physical exercise also stops you from falling asleep during the day and this saves precious sleep for later on when you need it more.

So if you find yourself lying awake at night, consider some aerobic exercise during the day. It might even save you from having to take sleeping pills.

People who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea could also benefit from daytime exercise because it helps to reduce weight and indirectly reduces the symptoms of OSA. Obesity is responsible for more than half the cases of OSA.


One of the things that make it much easier to fall asleep faster at bedtime is to create, and stick to, a bedtime routine that takes 30 minutes to bed.

A bed time routine helps you wind down and relax. Your bedtime should be uniquely designed to fit into your lifestyle and personality.

You can consider incorporating some reading, a warm bath, essential oils, journaling, skin care, and even meditation.

Some people use their beds to watch TV, play video games, or browse social media. But you definitely want to avoid doing these things in bed, especially in the evening. Ideally, your bed should be for sleeping and sex only.

Essential Oils

Consider experimenting with essential oils at bedtime. Try diffusing lavender oil starting one hour before bed time. You might also rub some into your pillow, feet, wrists, or temple. A mixture of lavender and witch hazel in water can be sprayed lightly over your bed. Cedarwood blends well with lavender.

You can also experiment with essential oils in your skincare routine. Add a few drops of frankincense to your steaming water. This is great for your face as well as your lungs. 

Chamomile oil is relaxing and you can add some to your lotion or take some chamomile tea to relax.

Food and Drink

As for eating and drinking, keep it light before bed time. Go for small snacks and no stimulating drinks. Tea is good.

A warm bath certainly doesn’t hurt. Music too, has power to help you sleep especially if it is relaxing.  Breathing exercises and stretching can also help you relax before bed.


Bed time reading is a bedtime routine that started in childhood for most people, and it might help you relax as an adult, too. Reading a chapter or a few pages of your favorite book at bed time can help you wind down and relax.

Journaling is a relaxing bedtime activity for most people. Sit down to plan the next day’s activities and organize your thoughts in your journal. If you can write down a to-do list, it will help you to sleep better because you won’t be worrying about your next day.



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